Dermaplaning and Epi-Blading Treatments.
Our facial skin is exposed to environmental factors and experiences a decline in biological facts as age creeps in. Such factors can present as fine lines and wrinkles as well as a build up of dead skin. Without effective exfoliating treatments our skin can look tired and clogged.
Epi Blading also known as Derma-planning is a gentle method of deeply exfoliating the skin with no associated down time. This treatment is performed with a surgical blade tipped on a 45 degree angle. The blade removes the outer layers of the skin and any fine hairs that we commonly describe as peach fuzz or vellus hair as its technical term.
This treatment combats the signs of ageing and is perfect for anyone who has sensitive skin not suitable to chemical forms of exfoliation or microdermabrasion.
Skin Conditions Suited for Epi-Blading
Anyone wanting smoother skin generally or for makeup application
Sun damaged skin
Fine lines
Thickened skin
Congested Skin
At Perfect Brow Design all Epi – Blading treatments come with a complimentary AHA skin peel valued at $60.